
Your best recovery housing partner

Our recovery housing in the North East is aimed at people who are willing to change, currently living in unsafe or unsuitable temporary accommodation, or who have been released from prison. Our houses are not suitable for people who are currently rough sleeping and not already engaged with structured treatment services.

We take referrals from local authorities, health and social care, drug and alcohol and criminal justice services. Our accommodation is also open to people attending day rehab services and those returning to the local area from regional residential treatment units.

Who we support

Potential residents must qualify for housing benefit or be able to access an alternative funding source.

They must also be:

  • Abstinent from illicit substances and alcohol or stable on prescribed medication.
  • Willing to comply with a behavioural charter and observe house expectations.
  • Prepared to fully participate in therapeutic and academy activities.
  • Prepared to help with house management and domestic duties.

To enquire about making a referral please send a message to us using the form below.

Or call us on 07496 891 884.

A safe, warm home

Our high-quality homes and individualised support help people achieve independence.

The future starts here

Our unique approach achieves outstanding results and brighter futures.

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