Team work makes the dream work

Insights from a recovery housing service in the North East 

Imagine the residents of supported living and recovery housing as characters in an engaging book or film. Each person brings a unique backstory, strengths, and struggles to the narrative, much like how diverse characters make a story compelling and rich. 

Collaborating with others can lead to remarkable achievements and personal growth. Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of recovery services in the North East, where individuals come together to support each other through challenging times. In this blog, we explore the invaluable benefits of working in a team and drawing insights from the lived experiences within communities like Blyth, Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne.

Shared Strength in Supported Living: Just as characters in a story find strength in unity, the residents in supported living communities come together, showing their resilience. Each member’s unique qualities contribute to the group’s overall strength, creating a loyal support network.

Mutual Support in Supported and Recovery Housing: Recovery housing is not just about finding a place to live; it’s about finding a community that understands and supports your journey to sobriety. The mutual support among residents fosters a sense of camaraderie and empathy, creating a safe space where individuals can share their struggles openly, without fear of judgment. In a good story, characters often find solace and strength in each other’s company.

Diverse Perspectives in Supported and Recovery Housing: Every great story benefits from a variety of characters, each bringing different perspectives and solutions to the challenges they face. In recovery housing settings, this diversity enriches the problem-solving process, leading to more innovative solutions. Residents in Blyth, Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, and beyond draw inspiration from each other’s experiences.

Accountability in Supported Housing for Homeless People: In housing for homeless people, this sense of accountability fosters personal growth. When individuals commit to a shared goal or task, they are more likely to follow through and stay motivated, knowing their actions impact not only themselves but also their team members. Characters in a story often grow through their interactions and commitments to one another.

Celebrating Successes Together: Teamwork allows for the celebration of successes, no matter how small. Whether it’s securing stable housing and living independently, reaching a milestone in recovery, or achieving a collective goal, individuals in our recovery housing can acknowledge and celebrate these victories together, reinforcing positive behaviour and strengthening bonds within the group.

Learning and Growth in Supported and Recovery Housing for People with Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Working in a team facilitates continuous learning and personal growth. Through collaboration, individuals have opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences, gain new insights, and develop valuable skills such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. This ongoing process not only benefits individuals in their recovery journey but also equips them with tools for navigating future challenges and living independently.

While teamwork offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges, particularly when it involves individuals with diverse personalities. Each person brings their unique traits, perspectives, and ways of working to the team, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and communication barriers. For instance, an assertive, outspoken team member might clash with a more reserved, introspective colleague, leading to tension and frustration. Similarly, varying work styles — such as those who thrive on structure and deadlines versus those who prefer flexibility and spontaneity — can create friction within the group.

Navigating these differences requires patience, open-mindedness, and effective communication. Team members must be willing to understand and appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses, finding common ground and developing strategies to work cohesively towards shared goals. In supported living and recovery housing settings, this dynamic is especially crucial, as individuals must rely on mutual respect and empathy to create a supportive and harmonious environment.

I love how we have full support 24/7. I’ve been in a lot of other places and it’s clear the staff here actually care, you can tell with them it’s not just a job. This is one of the nicest and best places I’ve lived, and I’ve stayed in a lot of places. I really feel settled here.

Having strong brand values that underpin everything we do, and a clear Charter, that our residents and management team follow, creates a shared collective purpose and improves the success of team working. 

Our people are:

  • Proud, skilled and ambitious.
  • Passionate about their work and determined to make a difference. 
  • Equipped with lived experience and professional skills and qualifications.
  • Ambitious for themselves and their careers and the future opportunities of the people they support.

The benefits of working in a team within supported and recovery housing in Blyth, Gateshead, and Newcastle upon Tyne are visible in the atmosphere and environment within our recovery houses. Just like characters in an engaging book or film, each resident brings unique strengths and perspectives to the narrative. By harnessing the power of teamwork, we can overcome obstacles, celebrate successes, and ultimately, write a brighter future together. We use a unique recovery treatment model that cultivates positive teamwork in our recovery houses.

“Exceptional support, lovely well-furnished property that feels like home and not just some random place. I love that the staff are relatable to us and have had their own lived experience of recovery. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for this company and I am so grateful to Naomi and the team.”

If you would like to enquire about making a referral for someone you support, please visit the referral page on our website, where you can send us a message, download a referral form or give us a call.

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