The Model

A vibrant culture of change

Our unique recovery academy model combines safe housing with substance use aftercare, physical and mental health support, mutual aid, training, employment and volunteering opportunities. We encourage people to build on their strengths and forge a future that leaves the past in the past.

Others say they do this – we really do.

Live, Connect, Do

People who leave prison or complete drug treatment are far more likely to succeed if they have somewhere safe to live, positive connections with others and something to do that is valued by them and their community. These are key factors in effecting and sustaining any behaviour change: people can’t do it on their own.

Live – start again

Overcoming the physical symptoms of addiction is challenging for many people. Maintaining freedom from active addiction is even harder. We help people who are ready to build a new life to:

  • Improve their physical, psychological and emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Gain confidence and self-belief and explore their life goals.
  • Learn practical, independent living skills, such as financial management, cooking and hygiene.

Connect – join with others

Communicating and sharing with others helps people stay motivated and increases their resilience.

We help people to:

  • Rebuild relationships with family and friends and create positive social networks.
  • Join voluntary and community groups and take part in sport and leisure activities.
  • Engage with mutual aid, peer support and recovery groups.

Do – learn and achieve

Getting involved in worthwhile and rewarding activities gives people a sense of purpose and something to aspire to.

We support people to:

  • Learn new skills, gain qualifications and find employment.
  • Volunteer and give something back.
  • Celebrate success and support others taking the same steps.

A partnership that works

Talk to us about real and lasting change for the vulnerable people in your care.

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