Values to live and work by

Our bold and ambitious brand vision is to live in a country where no one is homeless. Where people have the help and support they need to overcome addictive behavioural patterns that are causing them harm. We exist to support people to live independently and our recovery housing in the North East of England offers a stepping stone for people to achieve this. 

The values we hope our staff and residents work and live by everyday are created to help us achieve our vision. They will enable our residents to be given a safe and supportive environment in which to develop the skills and confidence to live independently with a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle. Our staff will be able to make the right decisions quickly and with confidence.

Our brand values:

  • People
    We believe in people’s inherent ability to change and celebrate both success and failure, understanding that failure is an important milestone from which to learn and grow. Everyone has their own individual ambitions and we provide opportunities to help people achieve these.
  • Safety
    Ensuring our residents and staff live and work in a safe environment where they can be productive and are able to focus on their goals without feeling threatened or stressed.
  • Accountability
    An acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical behaviour towards others. Taking ownership of the consequences from your decisions and actions.
  • Collaboration
    Working in partnership with other health and social care agencies to maintain a service-based recovery community. Ensuring honesty and being trustworthy are key drivers in creating a safe and supportive environment, where residents and staff can thrive and learn from each other’s similar life experiences.
  • Empathy
    Having the ability to listen to, and genuinely empathise with, someone else’s situation without judgement. Offering compassion and emotional/practical problem-solving skills.
  • Equality
    An inclusive and non-judgemental attitude which focusses on ‘what’s strong’ and not ‘what’s wrong’, providing everyone with an equal opportunity for a better future irrespective of their background.

If you have similar values or think our way of working can help someone you know, or work for, then please get in contact by calling us on 07496 891 884.

To make a referral please visit the referral page on our website where you can send us a message or download our referral form.

We look forward to speaking with you.

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